“ There are no insignificant people in the Kingdom of God.”

The WHY.

No comprehensive model currently exists dedicated to developing and training large groups of students in courageous and wise Christian leadership.

This gap significantly hinders the cultivation of future church leaders who are equipped with the strength and courage to make bold decisions and the wisdom to guide those choices.

Worley School of Ministry desires to train the next generation to LEAD the church, not leave it.

Why NOW?

Recent Barna Studies have shown that over 70% of students in the United States want to learn about Jesus.

While our current church culture offers content and knowledge in group experiences, we have neglected the individual attention needed to help young ministry leaders navigate people to God.

Because there are no insignificant people in the Kingdom of God, we believe NOW is the time to train and send this generation to cooperate with His will, to understand and fulfill their individual purpose, all while living with spiritual passion and power.

Why join us at the Worley School of Ministry?

“Since I was 15, I have had a deep desire to learn about spiritual matters and participate in ministry, but I didn't always have a well-crafted pathway to learn, grow, and actually do ministry. With the launch of the Worley School of Ministry, we will offer these spiritual pathways to guide ministry-minded students in the way of Jesus.”

-Lori Murillo

Interested? Contact us today.